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Quality Policy 

We at “Incture”, are committed to delivering quality products and services to enhance our customer’s and partner’s business value. We will achieve our policy objectives by being committed to:

  • maintain an effective Quality Management System measured by its objectives in line with this policy;
  • deploy the most appropriate technology and infrastructure with constant monitoring and reviewing its systems;
  • create and maintain security, safety, and quality conscious culture;
  • continually monitor and improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System through performance evaluations, internal & external audits, and management reviews;
  • align the organization’s strategic risk management context for maintenance & improvement of the management systems; and
  • comply with applicable statutory, regulatory, and contractual obligations.

Dated: 07th Nov 2020
Sachin Verma
Chief Executive Officer

Note: This policy:

  • is maintained as a documented information;
  • is communicated to all employees/contractors within Incture with an intent that it is understood and applied on a day to day basis;
  • will be made available to interested parties as appropriate and relevant;
  • will be reviewed annually or whenever there are significant changes to the established and implemented QMS.


Intelligent Task Management

